I have GOBS to do right now. So, I've been taking pictures of coffee dragons. It's like looking at clouds. Only it's coffee.
To me, the one pictured above is a dragon embryo. Actually, lots of them are dragon embryos. Maybe I should say this one is a dragon with wings. Albeit short wings.
Here's the skull of an eagle. Raptors are dragons sort of.
Here's one blowing smoke out of his snout.
This one's "The Wizard" dragon. I like the bubble eye
and the fact that he looks like he's wearing a robe.
There are more, but the photos are not loading the
way I want them to. Anyhow, I hope you too enjoy
the coffee dragons. What do you do with your "free"
(And btw, this is not the best thing for a person with
OCD to do. I now feel I MUST have my camera at the
ready when I make my coffee. I have let my coffee
get cold looking for my camera. I discovered that cold
coffee makes better dragons!)